It’s not good business!

Many sole traders in the holistic or beauty fields of work feel that chasing money is not good business.

It becomes very emotional. They don’t understand why someone would not pay or not show up. It actually really upsets them. But at the same time they have guilt and a degree of fear about following up on people who have not paid or who have missed appointments.

A good rule of thumb is if someone missed one appointment, but apologises and re-books shortly after it, then let it go. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

But if they do it more than once, that shows a complete lack of respect for your skills and time. They are basically saying their time is worth more than yours. Is that the sort of client you want?

If a person has had a treatment, then doesn’t pay, that’s completely different. That needs to be tackled as soon as possible. (see How long should I wait for payment? on how to manage that situation.)

So is it good business to let people waste your time? No.

Is it good business to maximise your chances of getting paid? Yes.

How long should I wait for payment?

As a rule, if someone has missed an appointment, email them the same day with a polite request for payment, and your bank account details. Refer them to your web page with terms and conditions that state your cancellation and no-show policy. Ask for payment the next business day. Also send a text on this day stating please check their email.

If a no-show or actual client who used your services fails to make the “promised” or “expected” payment into your bank account, contact the individual in two (2) business days. This gives them time to make payment and for it to clear before you contact them.

This next step is to send a polite email saying they owe money, specifying how much and why (e.g. missed appointment, service provided etc) and resend your bank details. Politely request payment in the next seven (7) days. There is no need to text them at this step.

On day seven (7) send another another gentle reminder that payment is due that day. Keep it short. Always include bank details. Also send a text on this day stating payment is due, specifying the amount, and ask them to please check their email.

Allow two (2) more business days, and if payment has not been received, then it’s time to contact us.

Don’t leave it. The longer it is you leave it, the more likely the debtor will lose the emotional guilt. Most debtors know they are in the wrong, but that wears off over time. Your time is money, they have essentially stolen from you, so never feel guilty about trying to be paid.

From the appointment to getting us involved should be within fourteen (14) days.

The exception to this is if you are already having dialog with the debtor, and have a well established relationship.

However, if the debtor simply doesn’t respond to emails, texts or calls, then they are not interested in their relationship with you.

If a debtor threatens to give bad reviews or tarnish your name, that is illegal and you should contact a solicitor for advice.

Special Rights

Do debt collection agents and companies have any special right?
No. Collection agents and companies are not afforded any special legal rights. They must obey and comply with all applicable privacy and commercial laws. Reputable collection agencies and individuals abide by a Code of Ethics. Sentinel Credit Services follows the current best practices and an ethical approach to collection of monies owed.


Can a service provider (like a dentist, doctor or massage therapist) charge a fee for a cancelled appointment?
Yes. When you make an appointment you enter into a contract with the service provider. Not turning up for the appointment is a breach of contract. If there is a financial loss to the business as a result of being unable to refill the appointment slot they can recover the loss from you.