Lodge a Debt Reminder, there are no fees when using our collection services. Your BusinessName *Email Address *Valid business email addressPhone *Are you aSole TraderCompanyTrustPartnershipOtherTrading As *Please enter the common trading name of businessLegal Name *Please enter the legal name of businessAdd costs *YesNoYour T & Cs have a provision for adding costsCopy of T & C *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded filePlease only upload PDF and files less than 2MB in sizeThe DebtorThe debtor is aSole TraderCompanyTrustPartnershipOtherPlease select the debtors business typeName *Email Address *Valid business email addressPhone *Best contact for debtor, prefer mobile.Trading As *Please enter the common trading name of businessLegal Name *Please enter the legal name of businessAgreementChoose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileA signed copy of the agreementThe DebtAmount Owed *Total amount owed by debtor including any interestUpload invoices *Drag and Drop (or) Choose FilesPlease only upload PDFs and files less than 2MBUpload Latest StatementChoose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded filePlease only upload PDFs and files less than 2MBUpload Other DocumentsDrag and Drop (or) Choose FilesPlease only upload PDFs and files less than 2MBAuthorisationAgreementI agree that the information I have submitted is true and correct and that I have the authority to undertake this request.I authorise Sentinel Credit Services Limited ("Sentinel") to collect this debt on the named creditor's behalf. If the debtor makes contact to arrange payment, you will direct them to Sentinel. If any money is paid to you or your agent by the debtor, Sentinel will invoice you for the commission owed. Full Terms and Conditions.Authorisation *I confirm I am authorised to, and I agree with the above statements and have read and understood the terms and conditions.Please be patient after hitting "Send Message", Depending on how may files you are uploading it could take several minutes to finish submitting the form.Send Message Privacy Policy